Skulpturenpark Köln

KölnSkulptur #10
Participating artists
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Mary Bauermeister
Mary Bauermeister, Rübezahl
Rübezahl, 2020
Natural materials, tree trunk, tree fungus, antlers, approx. 130 wooden chairs
Courtesy of Mary Bauermeister, represented exclusively by the Michael Rosenfeld Gallery
Supported by the Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln
represented at KölnSkulptur 10

Some of the 130 tree trunks that feature in Mary Bauermeister’s installation Rübezahl have served the artist for many years as places to sit in magic circles. Others were worked specifically for the Skulpturenpark Köln. The title of this piece refers to the eponymous mountain troll Rübezahl, who embodies the unpredictability of nature and influences the fate of humankind via the natural world. Bauermeister’s installation was conceived as a new heart for the park, inviting visitors to linger awhile and contemplate the power of their environment.