Skulpturenpark Köln

KölnSkulptur #10
Participating artists
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John Bock
John Bock, Schlupf
Schlupf, 2020
Installation with sound, display cabinet (glass, metal), dragonfly larva skin
Composition: Jeff McGrory and Chris Umney
Courtesy of Sprüth Magers
Supported by the Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln
represented at KölnSkulptur 10

John Bock stages spatial installations and directs films and plays. A tense sound composition plays inside the pit. A monumental display case stands centrally within the space. On show is a startlingly small object. The shed skin, left behind by a dragonfly larva when it moulted for the last time, indicates that a transformation has taken place. It is a moment of new beginning, a transition to another stage of being. This is mirrored both in the title, Schlupf (Hatching), and in the motif of moulting.


The artwork from John Bock was dismantled.