Skulpturenpark Köln

KölnSkulptur #6
Participating artists
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Martin Willing
Martin Willing
Quadratschichtung, zweiachsig, wachsend, 1999/2000
titan, cut by water jet, welded, sandblasted

Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln
Donor Prof. Dr. Klaus Heubeck
represented at KölnSkulptur 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Martin Willing (b.1958 in Bocholt) systematically into with scientific exactitude investigates kinetic problems and oscillation in space. In the process he makes sculptures from geometrically exact, shaped metal rods and strips (for preference in titanium, steel and duraluminum), which are pre-stressed against gravity. In this way they develop a special dynamic of the own somewhere between stasis and movement. The trained physicist cuts out of solid metal, and the closed form is in this way opened and made to oscillate. Monumental kinetic freestanding sculptures like Quadratschichtung, because of the complicated calculations and elaborate construction involved, form a limited position in his work.

Part of the "Kölner Reihe" by Florian Slotawa

in the exhibition KölnSkulptur #6