Skulpturenpark Köln

KölnSkulptur #7
Participating artists
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Susan Hiller
Susan Hiller
What Every Gardener Knows, 2003
Outdoor audio installation
Edition 1/3

Courtesy Timothy Taylor Gallery, London
represented at KölnSkulptur 7

Susan Hiller’s acoustic installation was produced for a garden show in Southern Germany. With a succession of bell tones in different octaves at very regular intervals, Susan Hiller intends to illustrate Mendel’s law of genetic inheritance. The work rings quarter-hourly, at first once, then as a twofold loop at every half hour; once again at the last quarter before every full hour and finally four times at the full hour. Although the audio installation consists of immaterial sound, the bell ringing suggests the shape of an elementary sculptural mold that represents the origin of the sound.